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There's Definitely More to Love With Princess.

Our beautiful Princess was adopted out over 5 years ago but is back in our care after her owner was unable to take her with him when he left Mount Isa.
She is twice the girl she used to be and could be best described as super cuddly. Princess has always been a very special girl with a sparkling personality and lots of love for everyone.

For most of the last 5 years she has ruled over a workshop premise and her loyal subjects have been the workmen who have plied her with treats to show their respect. Princess has accepted these gifts graciously and her obvious pleasure with such attention is now evident in her rotund frame. Our foster carers - Tanya and her family - now have the unenviable task of whipping her majesty back into shape but I think the Princess will have other ideas... She is not above nudging your hand if she thinks a treat may be lurking there.

However, Princess is everyone's darling and she will be a wonderful companion for the family who is lucky enough to have royalty on hand.

If you would like to meet our very own Princess, ring Sue on 0456664255.


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